Friday, May 26, 2006

I think were going s

I think we're going somewhere.We're on to something good here.Out of mind, out of state.Trying to keep my head on straight.I think we're going somewhere.We're on to something good here.There's only one thing left to do.Drop all I have and go with you.Somewhere back there I left my worries all behind.My problems feel out of the back of my mind.We're going and I'm never knowing(never knowing) where we're going.To go back where I was would just be wrong.I'm pressing on.
Pressing on, all my distress is going, going gone.(pressing on, pressing on)And I won't sit back, and take this anymore. Cause I'm done with that,I've got one foot out the door.And to go back where I was would just be wrong.I'm pressing on.
-Relient K

Monday, March 06, 2006

I'll take a shack on a rock
Over a castle on the sand.

-Mark Hall

So capture my heart again,
Take me to depths I've never been
Into the riches of Your grace and Your mercy
Return me to the cross,
And let me be completely lost
In the wonder of the loveThat You've shown me
Cut through these chains that tie me down
To so many lesser things,
Let all my dreams fall to the ground
Until this one remains
This is everything I want,
This is everything I need
I want this to be my oneConsuming passion
Everything my heart desiresLord,
I want it all to be for You,Jesus,
Be my magnificent obsessionMy magnificent obsession

-Steven Curtis Chapman

Saturday, January 07, 2006

In a blink of an eye that is when
I'll be closer to you than I've ever been
Time will fly, but until then
I'll embrace every moment I've been given
There's a reason I'm alive for the blink of an eye.

-Mercy Me

Saturday, October 08, 2005

We were looking for heroes, He came looking for the lost
We were seaching for glory and He showed us a cross
Now we know what love is 'cause he loved us, all the way dom come.

-Rich Mullins

The Common Mistake

     It is an all too familiar story. The born again teenager that fails to grow in his faith and experience true Christianity. Instead of “Diving in,” he is content with “Being a Christian on Sunday.” The most common reason for this is the greatest enemy of teenagers- peer pressure. They reconcile their beliefs because it’s popular and they want to fit in. They take up their cross and set an example for the fear of rejection. As they watch television, they are told that it’s okay to smoke, drink, party, and lead an immoral lifestyle. Many newborn Christians come home to parents that show no concern for their child’s moral welfare, while they should be spiritually instructing and setting a good example. Today, Liberalism and Secular Humanism reign as the supreme culture of America, telling teens to “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we will die.” Unfortunately, many infant Christians accept this lifestyle and never have the chance to live in unadulterated Christianity. Romans 12:2a says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” By obeying this scripture, we reject the flesh and accept Christ.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Many times throughout the scriptures, one way or another, it is written that you should “Do and say things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In a summary, it means that you should live for God and Jesus. You should live and breathe God. You should want to live for God because of what he did for us on the cross. Things you should do to show this is by showing your light around unbelievers. Being a good example shows people how God can accelerate one’s life. Thus by obeying this commandment, you are helping win people to Christ. You should live a pure and holy life, just as Jesus did, realizing that God is watching you. Every aspect of your life should glorify God. In doing all these things, you are obeying Colossians 3:17.